Thursday, April 24, 2008

New cat entertainment

Evidently the birds like the spring wreath on the door. Tony heard them chirping and flitting around in it the other day, and of course it startled skittish Moriarty. The birds are continuing to come to the wreath and now both cats realize this is happening. So you will occasionally see one, or both, of the cats sitting at the front door watching. The other morning I heard a loud thunk and I think one of the cats was jumping up to get at the window. We have a bird feeder on the back patio that they can watch from their cat tree, but I guess the front door provides a bit more fun.


Our little stick pistache and bur oak we planted last month are doing quite well. They have both leafed out and it's so nice to look out back and see green instead of dead sticks!


When I planted the flowers in the front bed, I also planted some herbs in a strawberry pot. They are doing quite well. I have basil, parsley and thyme. I hope I can track down some rosemary for my last slot. It's so nice to just go to the back patio and snip what I need. Hopefully they will continue to do alright as it gets hotter here.