Thursday, May 15, 2008


We did a rosemaling project last Saturday at the monthly HOTT meeting. I painted it on a tin tray. At first I didn't think I liked it, but as usual after a few days I realize it's not bad at all! :-) It was an Arlene Newman design.

Flower update

Well the flowers in the bed aren't doing well. Most have been burned to a crisp. I know why though--the flower bed doesn't get complete coverage from the sprinklers! D'oh! Hopefully that will get fixed and I'll have better luck.

The pansies and snapdragons weren't doing well with the heat, so I pulled them out of the pot by the front door and planted Mealy Blue Sage (Salvia farinacea). It's a Texas native, and seems to be doing well with our 80-90 degree weather. It should bloom until the fall.

I also bought Texas Lantana (Lantana urticoides), and put that on the back porch. It's doing pretty well too. Although I think I'm going to need to find either a bigger pot or a permanent home for it. It was an impulse purchase, and it's really a shrub and not a flower. Hopefully this summer I'll work out a landscape plan using Texas natives.

Bird Entertainment

We've been getting a lot of birds since we put the feeder up. Sometimes the cats don't seem interested. Today there was a bird on the fence that just got them chattering up a storm. Meanwhile there were birds on the feeder, but I guess that's old news.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Evie sleeping

Awww...she's so cute. We rearranged the guest room, so we put her sleeping mat under the bed and she's found it to be a good napping spot.