Sunday, August 2, 2009

July Reading

I got a bit more reading done for my 999 challenge in July. I'm not sure if I'll make it for finishing my challenge by September. I've only finished adult mysteries, and need one more book each for adult and youth graphic novels, and need one more for adult biography/memoir after I finish reading My Life in France.

Biography/memoir (adult)--The life and times of the thunderbolt kid, Girl on the couch
Classics (youth)--Are you there God, It's me Margaret?
Graphic Novel (youth)--Tales from outer suburbia
Mystery (adult)Finished!--Wild Indigo (New Mexico), Finger Lickin' Fifteen (New Jersey)
Misc. (Youth)--Being, Chosen, Right Behind You, The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau Banks


Eva's taken to lying on her back either on the bed with me or on the floor. Sometimes her tongue hangs out a little, which just makes me laugh. She seems to be settling in quiet well to the new apartment.

Merry Merry Everyday

I finished up my floorcloth this weekend. I need to add several coats of varnish, but at least it's done. It's cute!