Wednesday, October 14, 2009


At the end of September, the painting chapter had a special seminar taught by Peggy. It's a Shara Reiner design, and is so cute. There are a few more embellishments to add, but I just had to share him now.

Easter Eggs

In March and April, the Heart of Texas Tolers painting project was a set of adorable Easter eggs. I managed to paint two of them in the spring, but finished them up this month. They are just adorable.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

999 Challenge--September Reading Update

I read 17 books in September, and really made a lot of progress in my challenge. Unfortunately, I need to focus on reading more for work and for the most part will have to give up trying to finish my challenge by the end of the year.

I really struggled to find any adult science fiction I could get into, and do hope to keep trying in this category. I did read a lot of adult fantasy, but didn't count the Dresden files series or any vampire books because I wanted to push myself to read new authors. I enjoy historical fiction, but found it and the classics and award winner categories just too heavy right now. Hopefully next year I will try this challenge again and will come closer to completing it!

Here's my semi-final status by category:
Award Winners: Adult 0, Youth 3
Bio/Memoir: Adult 9, Youth 7
Classics: Adult 0, Youth 3
Historical Fiction: Adult 1, Youth 4
Graphic Novels: Adult 8, Youth 9
Mystery Adult: 9, Youth 6
Science Fiction: Adult 0, Youth 2
Fantasy Adult: 2, Youth 10
Catchall Adult: 10, Youth 13

Biography/memoir Youth--Frida, The Fantastic Undersea Life of Jacques Cousteau, The Wall
Historical Fiction Youth--Astonsishing Life of Octavian Nothing (18th C), Winnie's War (20th C), Sammy and Julianna in Hollywood (20th C)
Fantasy Youth--Creature of the Night, Forest of Hands and Teeth, The Gravity Keeper, Wolves in the Walls, Dragonbreath, Summer Spell
Graphic Novels Youth--The Eternal Smile
Mystery Youth--Half Moon Investigations
Award Winners Youth--At Night, Los Gatos Black on Halloween
Misc Youth: Evolution, Me & Other Freaks of Nature