Friday, July 11, 2008


During the last winter Olympics, Stephanie Pearl-McPhee (knitting humorist and overall big needle) organized the Knitting Olympics. You cast on and finished a project during the Olympics. Pretty funny stuff. I didn't participate. Now that I'm done with my Master's and only work 9-12 hours a week, I've got time for some silliness.

I'm on Ravelry, a social networking site for knitters, and they've organized the Ravelympics. I've signed up for the Sweater Sprint, which means I have 17 days to knit and finish a sweater. I'm going to finally knit the Deco ribbon jacket that Mom bought me the yarn for about 3 years ago. I've had a lot of trouble getting gauge, and so I'm going to have to go work up a swatch and do some math so I'll be sure to get a jacket that fits. Ugh...math!

Wish me luck!

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