Monday, June 30, 2014

16-30 book a day

I realized I never published the last bit of the 30 books a day. One of the things that struck me about this is how often I repeat some of the same titles. :-)

16th Can’t believe more people haven’t read --Charlie Bone series! I think it's better than Harry Potter
17th Future classic -- hmmm... not sure I have one for this
18th Bought on a recommendation -- hmmm tough since I don't buy books usually
19th Still can’t stop talking about it -- Robopocolypse. It wasn't the best written book, but I'm convinced the robots will take over the world! 
20th Favourite cover-- Beautiful Ruins
21st Summer read-- Harry Dresden or Stephanie Plum series
22nd Out of print-- Foxes of Harrow
23rd Made to read at school-- Great Expectations...I still can't bring myself to read Dickens!
24th Hooked me in to reading-- Probably Little House on the Prairie. Emily of the New Moon made me want to be a writer.
25th Never finished it --The Brothers Karamazov
26th Should have sold more copies--Graffiti Moon
27th Want to be one of the characters--That's so hard to choose! Probably almost any book I'm reading!
28th Bought at my fave independent bookshop--I don't usually buy books.
29th The one I have reread most often--It's tough...I go in cycles with rereading...Gone with the Wind, Foxes of Harrow, Dubliners, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Tolkien are all ones I reread. It's gotten to where most of the books I own are ones I reread.
30th Would save if my house burned down My Winnie-the-Pooh books from when I was a kid.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Swimsuit coverup

I've been wanting a swimsuit coverup for awhile, and just couldn't bring myself to buy one when they seem so easy to make. A long time ago I bought some knit sheets with the idea of using them as fabric. Well, that was a disaster. It was really crappy fabric and just tough to work with. I did make a coverup out of it, but the size wasn't quite right. So at least that pain served as my "muslin".

I used this set of instructions, but was kind of frustrated that there wasn't a good feel for the size. So I found a similar set of instructions that had a better measuring scheme. So in the end, I came up with a wearable coverup!

Just notes for my self, the two front pieces were 14" and the back piece was 30", all were 40" long. I sewed the casing 17" from the top.

Frog Skirt

I've been working on cleaning up and clearing out stuff in my studio. I have a bit more work, but the sewing machine was calling me today. So I made a skirt out of this frog fabric I bought a while back. It's so cute!

Friday, June 6, 2014

#BookADay--Days 1-15

I don't have Twitter, so I can't tweet my responses to this cool campaign, but I thought this was fun! 

1st Favourite book from childhood -- This is a tough one...It depends on how old I was...Could be Winnie-the-Pooh by A.A. Milne, Morgan and Me by Stephen Cosgrove, or Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery.

2nd Best bargain -- I picked up Faeries by Brian Fround and Alan Lee from the bargain bin, such a lovely book

3rd One with a blue cover -- The Foxes of Harrow by Frank Yerby, or Even Cowgirls Get the Blues by Tom Robbins

4th Least favourite book by favorite author -- Hmmm....maybe Furies of Calderon by Jim Butcher

5th Doesn’t belong to me -- All the books at the library!

6th The one I always give as a gift -- I don't give the same book. If I give a book, it's always different.

7th Forgot I owned it --- I don't usually forget I own a book. More that I forget I don't have a copy of something. I probably forget which painting books I have more than fiction.

8th Have more than one copy -- I've bought multiple copies of Siddhartha because I kept losing or giving away my copy.

9th Film or tv tie-in -- Gone with the Wind!

10th Reminds me of someone I love -- Winnie-the-Pooh...actually doesn't remind me of anyone in particular, just that I feel loved reading it.

11th Secondhand bookshop gem -- The Foxes of Harrow by Frank Yerby...I love this book. I don't know where or how my parents had a copy, but we all used to reread it often. I finally got a used copy for Christmas a few years ago.

12th I pretend to have read it -- Great Expectations. It was assigned for 9th grade and I don't think I ever finished it.

13th Makes me laugh -- The Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich. Sometimes I cry from laughing so hard.

14th An old favorite -- So many of these. I've mentioned a few already....Winnie-the-Pooh, Gone with the Wind, The Foxes of Harrow, Little Women, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

15th Favourite fictional father -- This is a tough one. The father in the Barrytown Trilogy by Roddy Doyle is pretty funny. Maybe Matthew Cuthbert from Anne of Green Gables.