Sunday, October 18, 2015

Capsule Wardrobe

Earlier this year read about a capsule wardrobe, and was intrigued. I knew I needed to tackle my closet, and I knew there was a lot that didn't fit. The idea of intentionally planning a wardrobe to wear for a season held appeal, and wouldn't be so overwhelming for my bank account.

I finally tackled the closet and filled up 5 bags of clothes and shoes. I felt lighter.

I decided on the following for the capsule:
  • 2-3 skirts
  • 2 jeans
  • 6 pants
  • 15 tops
  • 4 cardigans
  • 4 play t-shirts

This will be an interesting experiment to see how it goes. I'm really hoping this helps me find more of a style and also helps me buy clothes with a lot more intention.

Closet before:

Closet after (all those empty hangers are clothes that got purged!):

State Embroidery

I embroidered all the states I've lived in. I'm pretty pleased with how they turned out. Just need to get them up on the wall!!

Monday, May 25, 2015

A-line skirt

I've had this skirt cut out for months and finally got it sewn. It's from The Essential A-Line book. I need to tweak the pattern a bit so it will fit me better, but it's promising. And another project finished.

I'm not going to discuss the issues I had with the invisible zipper or the fact that the zipper has now broke. Sigh. I have a finished, but unwearable (at least temporarily) skirt. Bah!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Bahamas Trip

I found a great deal for 4 nights at an all inclusive resort in The Bahamas.

I arrived Saturday afternoon, and spend a few hours under a lovely thatched umbrella enjoying the view, and took a nice walk along the beach. 

Sunday was more of the same. Turned out I needed some decompressing time, and to recover from a bee sting!! Walking back to my room after breakfast, I felt a bug get in my sandal. Before I could get it out, I got stung. It was a bee! I've never been stung by a bee before. I hobbled back to my room, got the stinger out and cleaned it up. It hurt like a son of a gun, so I read in my room and kept a cold washcloth on it. I did snorkel a bit off the beach at the resort. They have some rocks and a bit of coral close to shore and so there were quite a few fish. I signed up for a scuba diving class the next day.

Monday morning I went to the scuba class. I learned how to put on all the gear, and we headed to the pool. I immediately felt like I couldn't breathe when I used the regulator. I didn't feel panicked, but definitely felt like I wasn't getting any oxygen. The instructor verified all my equipment was working and told me to just put my face in the water and try taking slow breaths. After a while it became a bit easier, so I tried joining in with the exercises. I was able to take out the regulator and put it back in, but still really struggled to breathe. The longer I stayed under, the harder it got. I started to feel anxious about all this and felt like I was going to have a panic attack. In the end I decided not to try and dive as I knew I'd have to deal with the claustrophobia of being underwater as well as trying to breathe! The instructor was really patient and told me it just takes time for some people to get used to it. I arranged to do a snorkel trip the next day instead of the dive. I was kind of bummed about it, but I've always wanted to try scuba and now I know that I'll need a fair bit of work to get going with it.

Tuesday I went snorkeling. We took a boat about 10-15 minutes off shore. The coral was amazing. So many different colors, and tons of fish. It was fantastic. I wish I had spent more time taking snorkeling excursions. Tuesday afternoon I decided to go into town. I had cracked conch, which is fried conch and peas and rice for lunch. It was quite good. I was disappointed in the market. The sellers were pretty pushy and for the most part it seemed like the usual beach tourist stuff. I didn't stay too long before heading back to the hotel. Enjoyed the rest of the day at the beach.

Wednesday morning I took a nice walk, and did a little snorkeling off the beach. It was a little murky so not great snorkeling, but lovely to be in the water. Then it was time to pack up and head home.

The resort had a cruise ship feel. They had tons of activities, which they called "animations". Dancing lessons by the pool, exercise classes, volleyball, horseshoes, bingo, etc. There were nightly shows, which I never did go to. It was all inclusive. The food was mediocre, and by the 2nd or 3rd day felt pretty monotonous. It was easy to get drinks, and nice in a way that tipping really wasn't expected. The room was a bit old, but clean. Overall a decent place. It was very couple and family oriented, so not ideal for a solo trip. The trip into town was expensive and the food in town was outrageous, which made me appreciate the all inclusive hotel, even though it was lackluster.

Overall it was a relaxing trip and I enjoyed myself. :-)

Thursday, January 1, 2015

2015 The Year of Finish It or Forget it

A woman in a group I belong to inspired me to make this the year of finish it or forget it. Part of finishing it will be starting it though. :-)

I'm really going to try and incorporate a 15 minute rule this year too. Just work on something for 15 minutes a day. It's amazing what can be accomplished in 15 minutes especially over time.

Here's the list of what I'll be working on:

  • In Progress--Hedgerow mitts. I've been working on these for several years. I think it's time to forget them, but we'll see.
  • Ilse skirt. I would like to finish this one. It just languished after a bit of drama with the yarn)
  • Flowers for my felted bag. I made a felted bag ages ago and ever finished it by making the flowers.
  • In progress--A week in the life of a knitter's cat--7 lace scarves. I haven't made any of these, but I happen to have 7 skeins of lace year. I'll use this to see if I still like lace knitting.
  • Deco ribbon jacket--I think I need to let this one go. I tried two or three times and can't get the gauge right, which means it won't turn out the right size. My mom gave me the yarn as a present one year, and that makes it harder to give up. Plus it is a cool project.
  • In progress--Felted rose trellis bag. I've had the yarn to make this for ages.
  • Hemlock Ring Blanket. I've had the yarn to make this for ages.
  • Finish santa
  • Finish Mary Wiseman landscapes
  • Paint the stool
  • Paint the chest
  • Paint landscape for over the bed
  • Embroider states
  • In progress--Make winter stitch club placemats
  • Finish calligraphy for flower pirate piece
  • Forget--Finish Christmas tree skirt
  • Make holiday ornaments
  • Make snowman decorations
  • Finish travel collage
  • In progress---Finish shark costume
  • Finish a-line skirt
  • Make Washi dress
  • Make skirts you have fabric for
  • Make Dahlia dress
  • Make towel cover up
  • Make shower caps