Friday, January 1, 2016

Finish it or forget it list

I don't feel like I made huge progress on my finish it or forget it list in 2016. I did rediscover knitting, and have enjoyed working on the lace scarves. I didn't tackle a single painting project. I'm hoping I get back into the swing of making things this year. I was in a bit of a funk for 2015.
  • In Progress--Hedgerow mitts. I finished one. Hopefully I can get the 2nd one done a bit faster.
  • Ilse skirt. I would like to finish this one. It just languished after a bit of drama with the yarn)
  • In progress--A week in the life of a knitter's cat--7 lace scarves. I haven't made any of these, but I happen to have 7 skeins of lace year. I'll use this to see if I still like lace knitting.
  • Deco ribbon jacket--I think I need to let this one go. I tried two or three times and can't get the gauge right, which means it won't turn out the right size. My mom gave me the yarn as a present one year, and that makes it harder to give up. Plus it is a cool project.
  • In progress--Felted rose trellis bag. I've had the yarn to make this for ages.
  • Hemlock Ring Blanket. I've had the yarn to make this for ages.
  • Finish santa
  • Finish Mary Wiseman landscapes
  • Paint the stool
  • Paint the chest
  • Paint landscape for over the bed
  • In progress--Make winter stitch club placemats
  • Finish calligraphy for flower pirate piece
  • Make holiday ornaments
  • Make snowman decorations

  • In progress---Finish shark costume
  • Make Washi dress
  • Make skirts you have fabric for
  • Make Dahlia dress
  • Make towel cover up

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