Saturday, January 30, 2016

The January Cure

I decided to sign up for the emails from the January Cure from Apartment Therapy. There were about 20 tasks, with big projects happening on the weekend.

1. Floors -- I didn't do this completely. I did do a pretty thorough vacuum in the living room, even behind the couch as I laid out my new rug.
2. Make a list of projects -- I had that done already as I had made a long list of tasks to declutter my home.
3. Clean the pantry -- I groaned at this one. It was a weeknight task and I thought it was impossible to tackle since it meant taking everything out of the pantry to wipe it down. Turns out it took about an hour. No more random lentils from a disastrous spill in 2014!

4. Set up an outbox -- I wasn't clear on this one, but later found out that it's a place to put things and then come back and decide if you are keeping them or getting rid of them. Interesting idea, but not sure if I'll always utilize. Right now I just pile things by the door.
5. Declutter a drawer --  I decluttered the baking supplies instead.
6. Deep clean the kitchen -- I shuddered at the work involved on this. Wipe everything down and clean all the appliances. I decided to throw some bacon in the oven to cook, and then see how far I got. It's amazing what happens in 30 minutes. I cleaned all the small appliances, and did the door shelves in the fridge. All in all it was about 2 hours of work to clean everything. Felt good to get it done.

7. 10 minute observation and pick a project from the list -- I didn't do this. I do like the idea of sitting for 10 minutes in a seldom used spot and seeing what comes to mind.
8. Clear a closet -- Ugh, time for yet another freak out. The hall closet desperately needed attention. I had to work a split shift and wasn't sure I'd have the time. The assignment was to just spend 30 minutes and not worry if you got done. Well, I spent 30 minutes before going back to work and made huge progress and when I got back home, I completely finished the task. It felt so good.

9. Work on your project -- I decided to rest on my laurels since tackling the hall closet was one thing I'd really wanted to accomplish from my project list.
10. Plan a get together-- Plan to have people over at the end of the month to celebrate your hard work. I didn't do this. I have folks over when my place is a mess. :-)
11. Deep clean the bedroom -- The assignment was to move all the furniture to vacuum in addition to regular cleaning. I did all that, and finished decluttering the closet, nightstands, and knitting/crochet supplies I keep in the bedroom. It was about a 3 hour task, and Elsie was exhausted afterwards.

12. Media fast -- I had done that over the weekend. I needed a rest. :-)
13. Lighten up a room -- Remove one or more things from the living room to be reevaluated at the end. I mentally did this, but didn't do it until this weekend. I'm actually pleased to be rid of some knick knacks.
14. Cabinet clean up -- Clean out the medicine cabinet. I started on it, and finished it up the following weekend after finding some storage to help corral the stuff under the sink.
15. Look through the linens -- I had done this in December.
16. Deep clean the bathroom -- I read a tip to make a baking soda paste and let it sit for a few minutes on the grout and then use a magic eraser to clean it off. Worked pretty well for the stains on my grout. After cleaning the bathroom, I decided to treat myself to some new towels and rugs.

17. Catch up day -- Tackle office supplies which was on my project list. Again what seemed like an overwhelming about of stuff really only took about 30 minutes to go through and clean up.

18.  Landing strip -- I already have a system for where to put stuff when I come home, so I spent about 30 minutes just putting stuff away in the craft room. Again 30 minutes people!!

19. Surface sweep -- 3 minutes to just do a tidy up. I need to start doing this daily.
20. Empty the outbox -- Since I didn't do an outbox, I have a pile by the door that needs to go to charity. And that was the last task!!!

Holy cow can you believe it?! I barely can. I feel so accomplished. I dusted the bookcase and decluttered it today and also dusted the TV stand. I hope I can keep the momentum going and finish the rest of the tasks on my declutter list.

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