Sunday, January 28, 2018

Self Sewn Wardrobe Series - Pants No 1

Next up in the series are Pants No 1. I followed the sizing for my waist and hip on these. I made them with a lovely linen cotton blend - Essex Yarn Dyed in Black. That is some yummy fabric and there are some more pants in my future using it.

I figured there were would be plenty of ease with these pants since the pattern sizing for XL is 42" waist and 52" hips. I wish I would have measured the pattern. I am disappointed in the fit. There's very little ease. They fit, but weren't what I was expected.

I modified with inseam pockets and used a drawstring instead of elastic. Next time I will do a 70" drawstring instead of 60" and probably make the casing a 1/2" bigger.

My measurements:
Waist 42"
Hips 48"

Finished pants:
Hips: 51"

Self Sewn Wardrobe Series - Shirt No 1

Our first project in the series is Shirt No 1. While I felt like the shirt would be easy to sew, I was concerned about fit. I have had trouble with shirts fitting me well. I have a large bust, but when I go by my measurements, I am often unhappy with the fit in my high bust.

I decided to give it a go using my high bust measurement, which means a Large. And after browsing the internet, I decided to add 1.5" to the length because of my height.

I used a lovely shot cotton in the moor color way. It's a lovely green and burgandy that changes depending on the light.

I learned how to make my own bias tape which is pretty cool. Instructions that come with the pattern are informative, especially for making your own bias tape.

Overall I was satisfied with the fit. If anything given the style it's a fitted, but doesn't feel uncomfortable or tight.

I decided to make another one in the next size up, and to make it 4" longer. The bust measurement is 2" smaller than my full bust measurement. It definitely fits more loosely, but I'm not satisfied with the fit. It feels like there's a bit of extra fabric in the high bust.

My measurements:
High bust 41"
Full bust 46"

Finished shirt measurements (disclaimer...I'm a bit inconsistent with my seam allowances so mileage may vary with these measurements)
L 47" with the added 1.5" to the length it is 23.25"
XL 49.5" with the added 4" to the length it's 27"

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Self Sewn Wardrobe Series - Planning

I signed up to take a 7 week sewing class called the Self Sewn Wardrobe Series. I'm pretty excited about it. In particular I'm excited about the planning session. I am not very intentional about my wardrobe, and have been slowing reading The Curated Closet by Anuschka Rees.

The instructor, Niku, had some great worksheets to plan out the shirt, pants and dress we would make in the series. All the patterns are from 100 Acts of Sewing. So I got to ruminating on mood, color/patterns, fabrics for the series.

Mood keywords: flow, comforting to wear, layers/color and fun.

Fabrics was easy. I knew I wanted to make the pants in linen or a linen blend, and possibly use it for the dress too. Otherwise cotton. I spent a delightful time at Valli and Kim fabrics, and found a lovely Essex Yarn Dyed linen/cotton blend for the pants, and a two toned shot cotton for the shirt, and a delicate floral pattern for the dress. I made sure they all coordinated so I could mix and match.

When someone asks me my favorite color, I often say green or purple. I do have a fair bit of green in my wardrobe, but not a lot of purple. I have a lot of grey and black, and also blue in my wardrobe. I think blue often winds up being a go to color, and I like grey or black to blend in.

As I looked at clothes on Pinterest and thought about things, I realized that I really like colors and floral fabrics but I'm often reluctant to wear them. I'm an introvert and I really don't want to draw attention to myself. Compliments are nice, but I'm usually embarrassed by them, and I certainly don't want the attention. I looked in my closet again and realized there are a couple floral blouses I wear, but the patterns are small and they are usually on a dark background.

I was a bit of a clothes horse as a teen and in my 20s. And didn't dress to disappear. I think some changes happened as I gained weight, and more happened as I became unhappy in my marriage. There's definitely some baggage I'm carrying from the ex, and at some point I hope I can just put that bag down. It's heavy.

A week into the class Niku talked about a podcast from Love to Sew. The topic was Sewing Makes You Love Yourself, which is a share your story of how sewing makes you love yourself. Holy cow. Now I'm ruminating on why I like certain clothes and how they make me feel. There's a lot to explore and I don't think I've even scratched the surface. I'm sure I'll write more as I process this more. There's a journey in here somewhere that will have some illuminating results...and I think get me closer to having a style and not using my clothes to hide.

Friday, January 19, 2018

Copenhagen/Edinburgh Trip Dec 2017/Jan 2018

I spent Christmas in Copenhagen and New Years in Edinburgh. I travelled with my friend Nikki, whom I've known since high school. We went to Copenhagen for the Christmas market experience and some hygge. And Edinburgh for their big Hogmanay celebration.

As I am no longer used to the cold, most of my trip preparations involved preparing for cold weather. Funnily enough it really wasn't that cold in either place. It was in the 30s/40s during the day and the 30s at night. We had some snow flurries in Edinburgh but no snow really in either place.

What I was not prepared for was the short days. We had about 6 hours of daylight, and 3:30 was dusk with 4:30 pretty much dark. It caught me off guard, and had some impact on how much sight seeing you can do, especially if you aren't even ready to get going until 10 or so.

The other thing I was not prepared for was the Danish language. I knew that most people would speak English. However, when you ride the bus there are recorded announcements with the stop. Danish does not sound like you think it should! So it was interesting a few times. The grocery store was also an interesting experience not always being sure what you are buying. We never did learn how to pronounce the street our apartment was on Oehlenschlægergade. I had printed it out to give to the taxi driver when I arrived!

Copenhagen was an interesting mix of old, ornate architecture with very modern Scandinavian design. I went to the Christmas market in Nyhavn by the water and enjoyed some abelskivers and hot chocolate while I looked at the stalls. We saw a cabaret show at the Tivoli and enjoyed wandering around seeing all the Christmas lights. We did a hop on/hop off bus tour so we got to see more of the city. Many things were closed the 24th and 25th, but it wasn't quite as shut down as I was expecting. We finished our last day with a trip to Helsingor to see Kronburg Castle, better known as Ellsinore of Hamlet fame. It is on the Baltic Sea, and was very cold and windy, but the castle was enjoyable.

Our apartment was a bit odd in Copenhagen as the bathroom had no separate shower stall so in theory you could sit on the toilet and shower. The reality was very messy, especially when you forgot to take the toilet paper out of the room before showering! 7-Eleven was prevalent everywhere, and nothing like American 7-Elevens. There were lovely pastries and pizzas as well as selections of sandwiches and such. All in all I enjoyed Copenhagen and would like to see more of it at a better time of year. It felt a bit quiet and reserved to me.

Edinburgh had a more festive/rowdy feel to it. It's a beautiful city and has some lovely architecture. It was enjoyable to wander aimlessly which is always a favorite activity of mine. We stayed in the Stockbridge neighborhood, and the apartment had a "normal" bathroom and had some Christmas decorations as well. The neighborhood had a few gastropubs, a takeaway fish and chips place as well as a few coffee shops and small grocery stores and shops.

I did two different hop on/hop off bus tours, and explored the Palace at Holyrood, and a short tour of the royal yacht, Britannia. I had a few strolls through the hilly city. In old town they had a Christmas market/fair set up so fun to see the carnival rides next to old buildings. The Hogmanay celebrations did not disappoint. We participated in the Torchlight Procession on the 30th. It was enjoyable but at times disconcerting to be surrounded by folks with torches who are looking down at their phones and not paying attention to their torch. There was a great fireworks display at the end. We opted to be inside for NYE and went dancing instead of to the big street party.

We enjoyed the apartment and access to some of our favorite foods like bacon flavored potato chips. I will never understand why that flavor hasn't caught on in the US. The apartment owner left us a box of Tonnock's tea cakes, which were quite delicious. In addition to the scotch selection, it was a pleasant surprise that there were a number of chocolatiers in Edinburgh and we enjoyed some fine chocolate.

The entire vacation was very relaxing, and while I was a bit annoyed by not doing as much sight seeing as I might normally, I think the slower pace was a good thing. I look forward to exploring both cities again at a different time of year. I don't know that I would travel to northern locales again in the winter.

Copenhagen photos:
Edinburgh photos:

Blog Bankruptcy

So I've been trying to catch up and post pictures from the last 1 1/2 years, and it's just not going to happen.

Here are some links to my Google photos so you can see past projects, and I'm going to start fresh for 2018. that monkey off my back.

Kathie George painting workshop (Feb 2017):