Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Kitchen Demo Day 34

This has been a rough couple of weeks. I have had a hard time getting estimates from tile installers. I wound up with only two estimates and wildly different approaches. I really would have liked a third, but I just don't have the time, or the patience to track down another installer. I also really don't like that it's harder to find reviews or info on installers. So I am going on my instinct. My head keeps arguing with me. I'm so anxious, but I try and keep reassuring myself it will all work out fine in the end!

So I spent most of last week with a horrendous cold trying to get things nailed down. My hope was to get the tile installed this week so appliances could be delivered, and then the countertops would come next week. After many phone calls, I did get a tile guy scheduled for this week. He put down an underlayment yesterday. This is to stabilize the floor and keep the cracks from cracking my tile.

Today he started to lay the tile. Unfortunately a couple of hours after starting, I got a call. They were short on tile. ACK!! So I called the tile store, and they were going to check. Fortunately it was in stock and could be delivered later that afternoon to the store. Unfortunately I have a job where I can't really slip away in the afternoon since it's my busy time. However, I have a dear friend who was willing pick up the tile for me. Yay!! So the tile guys will be able to finish laying the tile tomorrow and do the grout. Whew.

This sort of stuff just stresses me out. I hate having to deal with all of it, and I start worrying and obsessing. I know it will be fine. I really do, but I can't help it. Anyway, I got home from work and my heart stopped. The tile is beyond words beautiful. It is exactly what I wanted, and visual reminder of why I really wanted the tile and didn't want to have to find a different flooring. I can hardly wait to see it tomorrow after it's finished.

Now, if I could just get the countertop folks to wrap up the details!!

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